
Since beginning this site, the focus has pretty much shifted.  I still use it to get those annoying ideas and thoughts out of my head and it is still pretty random, but there are some posts that are more popular than others.  I plan to focus more on those posts – expanding on them and revising the ideas – while still doing the random nonsense that people enjoy.

So, what will those posts be?  Firstly, I am a user and fan of free and open source software; primarily Linux.  As a WordPress user, I will discuss the blogging software, themes and plugins, as well as blogging itself.  There will be some public service announcements, such as the posts on giving blood. And finally, since I am the most recent person to blog about it, I am a resource on Sapphire and Steel, the UK TV series and now the audio series (who would have thought I may become an authority of sorts?), so I’ll be discussing that.

Like I said, as well as the focused stuff, there will also be random thoughts on just about anything that crosses what passes for my mind.

And as the original version of this page ended, I will do so here: Enjoy!